

Windship Technology
Windship Technology has developed a vertical aerofoil technology to harness the wind for the commercial shipping industry for the benefit of the bulk carrier and tanker market. Some ferries can benefit as well. Windship Technology will reduce emissions and fuel costs to provide a pathway to net zero. It is recognised as the most powerful solution available. Our engineers have gathered other fuel-saving technologies, which along with slow steaming, up to 80% savings are possible now. Computational Fluid Dynamic work completed by Lloyds Register, the world-famous Wolfson Unit verifies the fuel-saving offered. This has been confirmed by work done at the wind tunnel at Southampton University. Aerodynamic performance optimisation completed by Cape Horn Engineering has further refined and improved these results.
Considerable work has been done on optimal routing to make the best of the technology.
The invention protected by these patents is the use of rigid aerofoil sails for cargo vessels, in which multiple pairs of leading and trailing aerofoil sections are supported on a rotatable spar, and the angular position of the spar can be adjusted as required, as can the angular position of the trailing sections.
“Intellectual property in the technology includes a portfolio of patents and patent applications directed to a highly effective arrangement of rigid sails for use on cargo vessels. The portfolio* covers over thirty countries around the world, including India, South Africa, Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, Singapore, Japan, USA, and Europe (specifically, a European patent validated in twenty countries).
(*European Patent EP 2 867 117, Japanese Patent JP 6470685, Chinese patent application CN104619586, South African patent ZA2015/00612, Singapore patent SG11201408675T, South Korea patent KR10-1991546, Indian Patent application 583/CHENP/2015, New Zealand patent NZ 704193, US patent application 14/411 853, Australian patent AU 2013282975, Brazilian patent application BR 112014032800-5, Canadian patent CA2880376).”
Simon Robinson, BSc (Hons), Partner, Chartered UK & European Patent Attorney, Barker Brettell.
For technical questions, please contact info@windshiptechnology.com or call +44 (0)1590 672000

Windship projects that an appropriately rigged commercial standard 2008 bulker or tanker vessel will achieve savings of approximately 30% per annum. Based on the analysis summarised in this report this is not an unreasonable projection provided appropriate operational routes using optimal routing are adopted and at ships speeds below 12 knots.
(Wolfson Conclusions).